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2 records found searching with the keyword/s Office of the Dean of the School of Health and Human Services. Displaying records 1 - 2.

PIC13388 Celia Hooper 001.jpg, University Archives, University Relations

Reference Number: PIC13388-2049 Celia Hooper is dean of the brand new School of HHS. She was at lounge of Stone Bldg on the first morning, continuing her "listening tour" where she has been getting to know a lot of people who are new to her - and simply listening to them, getting to know them personally and professionally. The article is about the first days of this new school - looking forward to the future - and especially about the dean reaching out with a personal touch. A picture showing her reaching out to faculty/staff she had not known would be ideal. The story is about that first morning and "talk with the dean" event. (My shots were not so great, with the lighting.) Date: 7/7/2011

PIC13388 Celia Hooper 002.jpg, University Archives, University Relations

Reference Number: PIC13388-2049 Celia Hooper is dean of the brand new School of HHS. She was at lounge of Stone Bldg on the first morning, continuing her "listening tour" where she has been getting to know a lot of people who are new to her - and simply listening to them, getting to know them personally and professionally. The article is about the first days of this new school - looking forward to the future - and especially about the dean reaching out with a personal touch. A picture showing her reaching out to faculty/staff she had not known would be ideal. The story is about that first morning and "talk with the dean" event. (My shots were not so great, with the lighting.) Date: 7/7/2011